Investing responsibly

Making positive changes to your investments

We believe that, as a client, you should be able to invest responsibly and in a way that aligns with your views.

More than ever, people are looking for investments that either integrate ESG (environmental, social, and governance) information into the investment process or seek to address the world’s sustainability challenges.

To meet the growing interest in these areas, we have selected solutions with a range of aims, all of which meet our criteria and offer a robust investment approach.

What is ESG investing?

ESG is a framework of key factors organisations and investors use to evaluate and measure the sustainability and ethical impact of a company’s operations.

A common misconception is that ESG investing means sacrificing financial performance. However, ESG processes can support identifying investment risks and opportunities to create a portfolio that reflects your long-term goals. There should be no performance give up for an ESG fund, and investment returns continue to be a big “why” for the Aspire team.

How to take the first step

Your financial planner will need to assess whether you would like your investment choices to take account of any ESG, sustainable or values-based criteria. We can have the conversation about investing sustainably, wherever you sit on the spectrum.

Whatever your views are, we can talk to you about how you might incorporate them into an investment strategy.

If promoting social or environmental change is important to you, please start the conversation.

Two reasons why you could consider investments that incorporate ESG information

Reduce exposure to carbon involvement

With greenhouse gases being the most significant driver of global climate change, reducing the exposure of your money to carbon involvement can be a positive first step.

Reduce exposure to fallout

ESG criteria encourage firms to act ethically, so you might avoid the repercussions of a firm’s value being rocked by its unethical actions. This may leave the value of your portfolio better protected over the long term.

What impact investing can do

Make a difference

By supporting companies actively seeking solutions to unmet environmental needs, you become an integral part in shaping a more responsible and sustainable investment landscape.

Feel good investing

Investing in opportunities geared towards delivering positive environmental and social outcomes offers the potential for long-term financial returns and provides a profound sense of fulfilment.

Steve and the team understand me and my aspirations, and they have guided me along the way

Anne Williams

Working with Steve has helped us feel confident about our financial future

Eddie & Debbie

The advice I've received from Ian and Aspire has been invaluable

Miles Watson

I can look forward to a long and happy retirement

Nicki Machin

I feel as though I have an ally, helping me navigate my finances

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I feel confident in my financial future, thanks to The Aspire Partnership

John Grainger